Scam Watch – 3 Tips to protect your business from scams

Over the past few months we have been contacted by a number of our clients in regards to popular scams going around, attacking small businesses.

Small businesses were the most-scammed corporate cohort last year, accounting for more than half of the $7.2 million businesses lost to fraudsters. On National Scams Awareness week (12-16 August) the ACCC announced that Australian’s are set to lose over $530 million by the end of 2019, far exceeding last years projection. Common small business scams include fake bills, malware and ransomware, and investment scams. Recently, we have seen many scams come through targeting domain & Squarespace renewals, so be on the lookout!
Here are some handy tips to help protect your business from scammers.

Top tips to avoid falling for scams:

  1. Know who your domain is registered with – If it’s with us, don’t stress – We will send you an email when your domain renewal is coming up.
  2. Double check the email it has come from for spelling mistakes - We often see instances where scammers use domain names that imitate those of well-known brands but with slight misspellings or additions like hyphens. Check domain names carefully and back it up with a quick web search to confirm.
  3. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is – The age old saying rings true with scams. Scammers will try nearly anything to entice you in to falling for their scams, including money, schemes, and lottery wins. Always question every unsolicited offer you receive, and if it’s sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Finally, if you’re ever worried about any scam, send us an email or give us a call. We can give help identify scams, and offer solutions to protect yourself, and your business from cybercrimes.